David Krooshof

3D photography, phone pics, at night

I searched for stereo photography in the App Store and found a simple app that let's you take two photos in succession. The first one leaves a ghost so you can allign the second. There is freedom in spacing the two images, by moving the phone an uncertain amount between the two takes.

Here are some images I took at night.

  • Overlooking the graveyard, at the church lit by yellow sodium lights. Behind it is the full moon. You can really see it is behind the church. The light haze in the deep blue sky is also visibly behind the church. To the sides are trees, shaded black. Some graves can be seen close to us.
  • On the hill, once formed during the ice age, looking over the village of Beek and Ooy Polder. Trees close to us flank the image.

Two images shot at night near Nijmegen

  • On the driveway, looking at the house that is associated with the cigar factory. There is a car to the right, and a block behind it. I think it holds a spare battery to keep the green lights and cameras going even if the power would be cut. The house has a spooky blue color, and the photo is ornamented by tree branches that are quite close to us.
  • The left side of the image shows a door. The right side shows the rubble. In the background, at some distance, some open space and a tree. All in spooky green light.
  • A tiny sheet metal shack or storage stands in the open space. It shows both human and herbal signs of neglect: The sheet metal seems to have been bent open, and grasses have shot up high.
  • Some tall blooming grasses stand in front of the burnt office space, that we look at diagonally, over the open plane.
  • An electrical power distribution on on the overgrown plane. In the background, there is the burnt out factory and the house that belongs to it. The top of the frame is dominated by a big tree.

After this former cigar factory and it's associated house were set fire too twice, CCTV was set up. They use bright green lights. A good opportunity for me to take some shots.

The app is not perfect. It corrects for the angle of the phone during the second take, but it always shifts it a bit. On the last step, you can correct this. Also, when finished, the is shows the two images too small. I wish it would let the user correct the two images while looking through a viewer.

I'm not sure if there is a payed version, but I use the app outdoors, away from wifi, and I blocked it's access to the mobile network, which is a thorough add blocker.