Contents on this website, ordered by subject
There are many different projects on this site, and I clustered them here.
Radioactive lenses, the movies, making an x-ray at home
Short movies about radioactive lenses
Anaglyph Stereo Photos
Classic 3D stereo imagery that works on any color screen, but you need Red Cyan glasses.
A 24h clock
I’ve been wanting clock that has an hour hand that rotates once a day. Here is what the clock face depicts.
Radioactive Lenses
I do not feel safe with my radioactive lenses anymore. What now?
Nerding over bokeh and aperture
Is there a medium format look? How does the size of the camera matter for depth of field? Does a bigger sensor give me softer backgrounds? Why does focal length have nothing to do with the amount of bokeh?
3D analog Loreo camera
Photos taken with a plastic fantastic Loreo 3D stereo camera.
3D photography, phone pics, at night
Stereo photos taken with my phone, handheld, at night.
3D photography, Moonlit infrared
It was a full moon and I went into a forest that I do not know so well, and shot several IR stereo pairs.
3D photography, IR handheld
A bunch of photo’s I took with my go to IR rig, but in stereo.
Restoring a 3D photo viewer
A century old viewer needed some repairs. I took the liberty to tune it to my own eyes and face.
A Classic Street Camera
A large format camera with a built in darkroom to develop the paper in. It was used on the streets to make photos for official documents. There is a character to this method, and a specific social aspect, and therefor there are artistic possibilities.
A Contact Printer and an Exponential Darkroom Clock
Getting a pre-war contact printer in modern working condition, and why I built my own exponential darkroom clock.
Direct Color Positives
Shoot a sheet of paper as the medium in a camera, then develop that so that it becomes a color photo.
Making a bass fretless
I wanted to play fretless bass for so long. This is how I converted a vintage fretted bass, under Pelle's guidance, and why.
Dark Trails
You have seen light trails. I want to record trails like these, but of bats. But how do I get dark animals to leave a trail? What if I want to do this at dusk?
While figuring out how to record bats, the local jackdaws kept flying through the frame, and they became my test pilots. -
A Posing Sensitive Guitar
Guitar players do all sorts of movements with their guitars, that, unless you are really feedbacking hard in front of a large amp, does next to zero to your guitar sound. I decided I want these movements to actually matter, so I made something that could use these gestures in the sound.
My First IR Cameras
About converting a little camera to shoot infrared. With lots of nice pictorialistic images. And one of my best photos is included here too, if you ask me.
Sunlit Infrared
About converting a camera to infrared and shooting with it, in sunlight.
View Camera Photography
Some musings about the most cameralike looking cameras ever. And images, mostly of people’s faces, shot with wooden cameras onto large sheets of film.
Recording somebody's security cam
Analog radiographic surveillance cameras used to simply broadcast all their sound an images unscrambled. One day I recorded myself playing harmonica via a somebody's security camera that was filming the street in front of their garage.
A lot of what I do to music instruments, has to do with my sense tuning. Here are a few of those projects.